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This exam is designed for partners, consultants, pre-sales consultants, and professionals who plan to use lean manufacturing functions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Candidates should have a general working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, including production and trade and logistics concepts, along with a moderate understanding of basic lean manufacturing concepts and production processes.
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below.
- Understand lean manufacturing concepts (17%)
- Define and describe the core concepts of lean manufacturing
Five lean principles, lean enterprise, cell and line design, lean terminology, supported lean principles in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
- Explain value stream theory
Operations support, value stream setup
- Explain production flows
Value stream and production flows, production flow function, continuous improvement, semi-finished products (non-bill of materials [BOM] levels), products and materials in work in process (WIP)
- Define and describe Kanbans
Kanban types, Kanban replenishment strategies, fixed-quantity Kanbans, scheduled Kanbans, event Kanbans, diagram Kanban type/replenishment strategy, Kanban boards, simple production flow, high-level production flow, setup, and interconnectivity
- Understand production flows (16%)
- Explain production flow versions
Production flow functions, creating and activating a production flow version
- Calculate takt time and cycle time
Fields and definitions, production flow version details
- Set up production flow activities
Single process activity production flow, creating a process activity, validating and activating the production flow version
- Create production flows
Create a single transfer activity production flow, create a two-activity production flow, create process and transfer activities
- Explain inventory integration
Sites, warehouses, and locations; production flow activities, inventory, and storage concepts; update on hand; tracking and tracing; Warehouse Management System (WMS) integration; BOM settings and picking; picking activities
- Explain semi-finished product concepts
Semi-finished activities, settings, and options; multi-process activity Kanbans; Kanbans that supply semi-finished product; WIP; products supplied by production flow activity stay in WIP; material directly transferred to WIP with transfer activity; products transferred out of production; Kanban supermarkets; variable consumption
- Use and manage Kanbans (15%)
- Define and describe Kanban concepts
Manufacturing Kanban, withdrawal Kanban, Kanban replenishment strategies, subcontracting activities and manufacturing Kanbans, fixed-quantity Kanban subcontracts, alternative production flow subcontracts, manual printing of Kanban cards, automatic printing of Kanban cards and pick lists
- Plan Kanban jobs
Planning a process Kanban job, work cell capacity, Kanban job status for process jobs, automatic planning of Kanbans, planning period fence, capacity shortage reaction, loading Kanban jobs on the Kanban schedule, lean schedule groups, Kanban schedule board, changing Kanban job statuses
- Process Kanban jobs
Kanban Board for Process Jobs form—Pick functions, Manufacture functions, View functions, Job Details fields; prepare Kanban; start Kanban; complete Kanban; Kanban Board for Transfer Jobs form buttons; processing a transfer job
- Set up and configure Kanban quantity calculation policies
Kanban Quantity Calculation Policies form; creating quantity calculations to generate and update Kanban rules; Kanban quantity simple formula; Kanban quantity, including safety factor and safety stock; associating Kanban policy to Kanban rule
- Using event Kanbans (13%)
- Set up rules for event Kanbans
Kanban Rules form; Kanban Rules—Details fields, Quantities fields, Kanban and Cards fields, Events fields, Production Flow fields
- Set up sales line events
Pegging tree
- Set up and process Capable to Promise (CTP)
Delivery date control CTP, batch calculation using CTP
- Set up Kanban line events
Manual creation of event Kanbans, batch processing of event Kanbans, Kanban line events, sales line events, BOM line events, stock replenishment events, item coverage settings
- Understand scheduled Kanbans (13%)
- Describe processes associated with the planned order type Kanban
Default order type, planned order rules
- Describe how to use the supply schedule
Navigation to supply schedule, supply schedule display, processing with the supply schedule
- Set up rules for scheduled Kanbans
Kanban Rules form; Kanban rules—Details fields, Quantities fields, Kanban and Cards fields, production flow fields, Kanbans fields; product family and item allocation keys; inventory considerations for scheduled Kanbans
- Plan scheduled Kanbans
Scheduled Kanban planned order quantities, scheduled Kanbans and action messages, material requirements planning (MRP) considerations
- Define and set up activity-based subcontracting (12%)
- Subcontract vendor payments
Purchase agreements, purchase agreement header, Purchase Agreement Lines fields
- Set up production flow with subcontracting activities
Subcontracting service, subcontracting service terms, assigning multiple service terms, transfer activities as subcontracting activities, create purchase documents for Subcontracting form
- Perform cost accounting of subcontracted services
Direct outsourcing cost group type, cost calculation, subcontracting cost flow
- Describe production flow costing (14%)
- Explain standard cost requirements
Exception for transfer jobs, standard cost inventory model, standard cost for materials, standard cost for finished products, standard cost for subcontracted services, applied conversion on lean manufacturing
- Describe how to use components for lean manufacturing
Costing setup for lean manufacturing, application of costs and variances, indirect manufacturing costs, production group, inventory posting profile, calculation of standard cost, calculation based on the production flow, default production flow, calculation based on the route, choosing the calculation method, flattening of BOM during cost calculation for lean items
- Explain backflush costing concepts
Periodic backflush costing, end of period—backflush costing, calculation of the production flow's net realized usage over a period, clearing production flow's work in progress for the period, calculation for unused quantities, financial update for completed quantities, financial update for consumed products, products and materials in work in progress, clearing WIP for conversion costs—direct manufacturing, clearing WIP for conversion costs—indirect manufacturing, reinstating indirect cost for unused material quantities, calculation of production variances to standard cost, standard cost revaluations
- Report production flow activities
Typical production flow transactions; variations when reporting production flow activities; ledger transactions for withdrawal type activities; inventory-controlled transfers within a single entity; inventory-controlled transfers across entities; non–inventory-controlled transfers from inventory to a production flow; Kanban scan empty transactions for location type Kanban supermarket; production completion transactions; Kanban job picking activity; production flow standard cost transactions; production flow WIP value; viewing the WIP balance of a production flow; subcontracting costing; viewing subcontracted activity costing; references