Design a cluster with suitable hardware and to minimise SPOFs
Evaluate cluster security requirements
Determine interdependencies of cluster components including resource groups, parent/child relationships, locations, dynamic node priority, application priority, capacity on demand, etc.
Determine other application requirements for cluster integration
Plan cluster topology and AIX requirements, including IP and network configuration, IPAT, host file configuration, fibre channel adapters, storage components, MPIO / drivers, and NPIV.
Plan a cluster within a virtualized environment
Understand at a basic level Cluster Aware AIX (CAA) capabilities and requirements
Understand differences between PowerHA 6 and PowerHA 7
Identify required software elements including AIX levels, filesets, and HA Standard or Enterprise editions, including replication options
Configuring topology components (e.g. persistent IP addresses, IP and non -IP networks, nodes, IPAT via aliasing and replacement, site configuration, network modules, etc.)
Understand HA in conjunction with Heartbeat over IP aliasing,Etherchannel, Multicast IP address.
Implement LVM or GLVM between two separate sites (between systems, buildings or cities)
Verify AIX prerequisites have been addressed
Configuring file
Implement cluster security including LDAP, RBAC and EFS security options in 7.1
Define custom events (user defined events, and pre and post events)
Configure resources (including service IP, resource groups, resource group dependencies, nfs, VGs, etc)