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The IBM Cognos TM1 10.1 Developer exams covers key concepts, technologies, and functionality of the Cognos products. In preparation for the exam, we recommend a combination of training and hands-on experience, and a detailed review of product documentation.
- Dimensions (12%)
- Describe attributes
- Describe hierarchies
- Demonstrate knowledge of subsets
- Cubes (12%)
- Demonstrate knowledge of cubes
- Describe control cubes
- Describe views
- Describe cube attributes
- Rules (21%)
- Describe rules, elements, and syntax
- Demonstrate knowledge of feeders
- Demonstrate knowledge of debugging large rules
- Processes (21%)
- Demonstrate knowledge of Turbo Integrator (TI)
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to import and export data using TI
- Demonstrate knowledge of executing TI processes
- Security (7%)
- Describe user authentication
- Describe authorization
- TM1 Server and Logs (11%)
- Demonstrate knowledge of TM1 server
- Demonstrate knowledge of Sandbox
- Demonstrate knowledge of TM1 log files
- Demonstrate knowledge of TM1 Top
- TM1 User Interface (11%)
- Demonstrate knowledge of perspective-based forms
- Describe Cognos Insight
- Describe development tools
- Cognos BI Interoperability (5%)
- Describe the IBM Cognos platform
- Describe how to apply design best practices for reporting off TM1 through IBM Cognos BI