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IBM C2010-510

IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Administration

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Below are the high level objectives for this exam. We recommend reviewing the Study Guide for more detailed information on the test objectives to provide a better idea of the content which will be covered on the exam.
Section 1: Configuration

  • Given installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.3 software, use root/administrator login ID to configure Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) with correct information so that TEMS is configured.
  • Given installed ITM software and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server V6.3 (TEPS) is operational, use root/administrator login ID to stop and configure TEPS settings so that TEPS is configured and operational.
  • Given information on users and details of their workstations, potential crossing of firewalls and the need to access the ITM V6.3 environment through graphical interface clients (Tivoli Enterprise Portal or TEP) , implement steps so that TEP client is successfully configured.
  • Given a requirement to retain historical data, configure the Warehouse Proxy agent so that desired enterprise data can be retained in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
  • Given installed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA) and an installed OS agent, use the Managed System window features or command line interface so that the configuration of TEMA is completed.
  • Given a company network plan and the ITM V6.3 documentation, determine the exact requirements for the firewall gateway, build the XML files, and configure the agents so that the firewall gateway is configured.
  • Given a HA plan, and requirements, implement the planned actions so that the HA environment is deployed.
  • Given an installed Summarization and Pruning Agent (SPA), select options and update required details so that the SPA is configured.

Section 2: Performance Tuning,Problem Determination and Troubleshooting

  • Given an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) client connected to an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS) V6.3, go to the Tivoli Data Warehouse agent configuration workspaces and identify errors that need to be corrected so that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Tivoli Data Warehouse agent environment is functioning properly.
  • Given logs, identify the types of logs that are used in ITM so that basic troubleshooting information can be gathered.
  • Given an existing ITM V6.3 environment, a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) exhibiting unexpected behavior, the ITM V6.3 Troubleshooting guide and access to internet search engines, execute required actions so that TEMS V6.3 issues are resolved.
  • Given a TEPS, check processes, logs, and documentation so that analysis or troubleshooting can be completed.
  • Given ITM , the Agent User guide and the need for troubleshooting, set the trace option so that Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA) trace files are configured.
  • Given the pdcollect and cinfo tool perform the start command and review the output so that the pdcollect output will be generated.
  • Given an existing ITM V6.3 environment, the ITM V6.3 Troubleshooting guide and access to internet search engines, execute required remedial actions so that components communication failures are resolved.
  • Given ITM documentation and customer support guidelines, set the components KBB_RAS1 variable either statically or dynamically so that the component is being traced correctly for debugging.

Section 3: Administration

  • Given an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) client connected to an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS) V6.3, take the required actions so that the custom users can be configured.
  • Given a TEP client connected to a TEPS V6.3, create, modify and remove custom workspace so that Workspace is modified according to the requirements.
  • Given the installation predefined situations, copy and change the predefined situations so that new, customized situations are created.
  • Given a running IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.3 environment, the ITM V6.3 Administration guide and requirements for a situation to depend on other situations, use TEP to execute the required steps so that a correlated situation is created.
  • Given an existing ITM V6.3 environment, the ITM V6.3 Administration guide and local requirements to automate activities through workflows, execute required steps so that customized policies can be managed.
  • Given a TEP client connected to a TEPS V6.3, take required actions so that links between workspaces are created or modified according to requirements.
  • Given agents and the attribute groups and an appropriate user ID, use the default queries with variables to run a query on Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) or a database so that a custom query is created.
  • Given the agent depot and bundles, populate the depot and deploy the agents so that the agents are deployed from the depot.
  • Given a TEP client connected to a TEPS V6.3, configure the history data collection windows so that custom history is configured.
  • Given an existing ITM V6.3 environment, the ITM V6.3 Administration guide and customer requirements to re-organize TEP views, edit workspaces so that Navigator views are customized.
  • Given a requirement to retain historical data for reporting, configure historical data collection and warehouse tables so that out-of-the-box Tivoli Common Reporting reports can be run successfully.
  • Given access to TEMS and the host and port of the event management system, take the required steps so that integration of managed events and event management systems is completed.
  • Given a TEP client connected to a TEPS V6.3, create, update and modify the routine so that a take action executes successfully.
  • Given a terminal window or command window, use the tacmd, cinfo, itmcmd and pdcollect command line to run administration tasks on the TEMS so that CLI commands are issued.
  • Given the need to use ITM V6.3 solution with the IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer (ITPA), and the ITM V6.3 Administration guide, explain main operational features so that the ITPA is described.

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