Microsoft 98-361
Software Development Fundamentals
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About Microsoft 98-361 dump
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below.
- Understanding core programming (15-20%)
- Understand computer storage and data types
How a computer stores programs and the instructions in computer memory, memory stacks and heaps, memory size requirements for the various data storage types, numeric data and textual data
- Understand computer decision structures
Various decision structures used in all computer programming languages; If decision structures; multiple decision structures, such as If…Else and switch/Select Case; reading flowcharts; decision tables; evaluating expressions
- Identify the appropriate method for handling repetition
For loops, While loops, Do...While loops, and recursion
- Understand error handling
Structured exception handling
- Understanding object-oriented programming (20-25%)
- Understand the fundamentals of classes
Properties, methods, events, and constructors; how to create a class; how to use classes in code
- Understand inheritance
Inheriting the functionality of a base class into a derived class
- Understand polymorphism
Extending the functionality in a class after inheriting from a base class, overriding methods in the derived class
- Understand encapsulation
Creating classes that hide their implementation details while still allowing access to the required functionality through the interface, access modifiers
- Understanding general software development (15-20%)
- Understand application life cycle management
Phases of application life cycle management, software testing
- Interpret application specifications
Reading application specifications and translating them into prototypes, code, select appropriate application type, and components
- Understand algorithms and data structures
Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, and sorting algorithms; performance implications of various data structures; choosing the right data structure
- Understanding web applications (15-20%)
- Understand web page development
HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript
- Understand Microsoft ASP.NET web application development
Page life cycle, event model, state management, client-side versus server-side programming
- Understand web hosting
Creating virtual directories and websites, deploying web applications, understanding the role of Internet Information Services
- Understand web services
Web services that will be consumed by client applications, accessing web services from a client application, SOAP and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
- Understanding desktop applications (15-20%)
- Understand Windows Store apps
UI design guideline categories, characteristics and capabilities of Store Apps, identify gestures
- Understand console-based applications
Characteristics and capabilities of console-based applications
- Understand Windows Services
Characteristics and capabilities of Windows Services
- Understanding databases (15-20%)
- Understand relational database management systems
Characteristics and capabilities of database products, database design, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs), normalization concepts
- Understand database query methods
Structured query language (SQL), creating and accessing stored procedures, updating data and selecting data
- Understand database connection methods
Connecting to various types of data stores, such as flat file; XML file; in-memory object; resource optimization