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This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below.
- Configure data center process automation (15–20%)
- Implement workflows
Implement SCO Runbook automation; automate remediation of incidents including resolution of System Center Virtual Machine-based incidents; design and build end-to-end automation incorporating System Center 2012 technologies; implement change control and problem resolution workflows
- Implement service offerings
Add a new service offering to the service catalog; create a custom workflow using the Service Manager console; reference Orchestrator workflows in Service Manager; implement self-service provisioning of virtual machines
- Deploy resource monitoring (20–25%)
- Deploy end-to-end monitoring
Deploy agents; discover and deploy network device monitoring; import and configure management packs; deploy and configure monitoring of a heterogeneous virtualization infrastructure
- Configure end-to-end monitoring
Configure overrides; create synthetic transactions; configure Outside-In monitoring; configure application performance monitoring (APM); create distributed application models; integrate the monitoring infrastructure with Global Service Monitor (GSM)
- Create monitoring reports and dashboards
Implement service-level tracking; implement reports including chargeback reports and System Center Manager data warehouse reports; implement dashboards
- Monitor resources (20–25%)
- Monitor network devices
Analyze network device health; manage Operations Manager alerts; manage notifications
- Monitor servers
Monitor the Operating System Environment (OSE); manage System Center Operations Manager alerts including automating resolution of alerts; manage notifications; implement and manage rules and monitors in Operations Manager; configure Audit Collection Services including Dynamic Access Control integration
- Monitor the virtualization layer
Monitor host and guest performance; monitor virtual applications; manage Operations Manager alerts; manage notifications
- Monitor application health
Application Performance Management (APM); synthetic transactions; manage Operations Manager alerts including automating resolution of alerts; manage notifications; distributed applications
- Configure and maintain service management (15–20%)
- Implement service level management
Define service level objectives (SLOs) and service level agreements (SLAs); implement SLA management and escalation; maintain SLAs (including planning for future growth); analyze SLAs (reporting)
- Manage problems and incidents
Customize problem management, link incidents to problems, and resolve problems; raise, assign, and resolve incidents; perform root cause analysis/diagnosis; integrate problem and incident resolution with change management; create and manage a knowledge base
- Manage cloud resources
Deploy new applications to private and public clouds; deploy VM/service (applications, SQL, roles); deploy multi-tier applications by using service templates; manage applications in private and public clouds; manage VM hardware (CPUs, Dynamic memory); manage self service
- Manage configuration and protection (20–25%)
- Manage compliance and configuration
Implement security and compliance (includes IT GRC process management pack); analyze and remediate configuration compliance; analyze data in System Center Advisor; implement configuration compliance by using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Desired Configuration Management (DCM); implement update baseline in System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager
- Manage updates
Update machine roles in a service template; manage and update applications across multiple clouds; manage software updates to System Center Virtual Machine Manager infrastructure, virtual machines, and VM images; deploy patches by using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; deploy patches by using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)
- Implement backup and recovery
Back up/recover product settings; back up/recover the cloud infrastructure; manage backups (protection groups, storage) by using Data Protection Manager (DPM); implement business continuity for the cloud; manage checkpoints; integrate DPM with Microsoft Azure Online Backup
Candidates for this exam have Windows Server, System Center 2012, security, high-availability, fault tolerance, and networking experience in an enterprise environment. Candidates should also have basic Microsoft SQL Server, Windows PowerShell knowledge, and application configuration experience.