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Oracle 1Z0-805

Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer

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Oracle.1Z0-805.v2016-03-26.90q.ote 2016-03-26 90 0/0 282.35 Kb

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About Oracle 1Z0-805 dump

Language Enhancements

  • Develop code that uses String objects in switch statements
  • Develop code that uses binary literals and numeric literals with underscores
  • Develop code that uses try-with-resources statements (including using classes that implement the AutoCloseable interface)
  • Develop code that handles multiple Exception types in a single catch block
  • Develop code that uses the diamond with generic declarations

Design Patterns

  • Design a class using a Singleton design pattern
  • Apply object composition principles (including has-a relationships)
  • Write code to implement the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern
  • Design and create objects using a factory pattern

Database Applications with JDBC

  • Describe the interfaces that make up the core of the JDBC API (including the Driver, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet interfaces and their relationship to provider implementations)
  • Identify the components required to connect to a database using the DriverManager class (including the jdbc URL)
  • Construct and use RowSet objects using the RowSetProvider class and the RowSetFactory interface
  • Use JDBC transactions (including disabling auto-commit mode, committing and rolling back transactions, and setting and rolling back to savepoints)
  • Submit queries and read results from the database (including creating statements, returning result sets, iterating through the results, and properly closing result sets, statements, and connections)
  • Create and use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement objects


  • Identify code that may not execute correctly in a multi-threaded environment.
  • Use collections from the java.util.concurrent package with a focus on the advantages over and differences from the traditional java.util collections.
  • Use Lock, ReadWriteLock, and ReentrantLock classes in the java.util.concurrent.locks package to support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables.
  • Use Executor, ExecutorService, Executors, Callable, and Future to execute tasks using thread pools.
  • Use the parallel Fork/Join Framework


  • Describe the advantages of localizing an application
  • Define a locale using language and country codes
  • Read and set the locale with a Locale object
  • Build a resource bundle for a locale
  • Call a resource bundle from an application
  • Format dates, numbers, and currency values for localization with the NumberFormat and DateFormat classes (including number format patterns)

Java File I/O (NIO.2)

  • Operate on file and directory paths with the Path class
  • Check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory with the Files class
  • Read and change file and directory attributes, focusing on the BasicFileAttributes, DosFileAttributes, and PosixFileAttributes interfaces
  • Recursively access a directory tree using the DirectoryStream and FileVisitor interfaces
  • Find a file with the PathMatcher interface
  • Watch a directory for changes with the WatchService interface

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