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IBM C4090-453

IBM System Storage DS8000 Technical Solutions V3 Exam

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IBM.C4090-453.v2016-03-30.70q.ote 2016-03-30 70 0/0 398.75 Kb

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About IBM C4090-453 dump

Provide Pre-sales Technical Support (11%)

  • Articulate the differences (with other IBM storage) and/or advantages of currently marketed IBM DS8000 solutions in a System z, IBM i, or distributed systems environment
  • Articulate technical capabilities of the DS8000 system

Gather Customer Requirements (13%)

  • Identify customer's business drivers and goals (pain points)
  • Identify customer's technology requirements
  • Identify constraints in customer's physical environment

Architect a Storage Solution that Addresses the Customers Business and Technical Requirements (43%)

  • Architect the solution to comply with the customer's existing site constraints
  • Ensure the solution is supported in the customer's SAN and server infrastructure
  • Configure the system to meet the customer's requirements, e.g., cache size, Fibre Channel ports, etc.
  • Determine the capacity required to support multiple platforms (i.e., open systems, IBM i, and mainframe workloads sharing a single system)
  • Develop a configuration to meet the desired performance of the storage subsystem
  • Architect a solution including other advanced functions of the DS8000, including Easy Tier, encryption, thin provisioning, and QoS
  • Architect a replication solution in metro, global and three-site environments including sizing of connectivity requirements
  • Architect a point-in-time copy solution
  • Determine the appropriate OEL and Advanced Function licenses
  • Verify SAN connectivity requirements to suport the customer's requirements
  • Identify requirements and benefits of additional external software, e.g., Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1, FlashCopy Manager, Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager, GDPS (Geographically Disbursed Parallel Sysplex), PowerHA
  • Develop installation plan/schedule in conjunction with the customer
  • Develop a migration plan that meets customer requirements regarding outage and effort
  • Conduct a technical and delivery assessment (TDA) of a DS8000, e.g., Pre-sales TDA, Pre-install TDA, Post-install TDA

Design and Implement the Solution (24%)

  • Understand how to perform administrative tasks in the CLI and GUI
  • Understand license management
  • Design the logical configuration, e.g., extent pools, tiering, etc.
  • Design host access including QoS
  • Design a detailed point-in-time copy solution
  • Design a remote copy services solution
  • Enable the remote support capabilities
  • Implement/integrate the local alerting, e.g., SNMP, Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, etc.
  • Understand the requirements for encryption implementation and secure erase

Provide Post-installation Support (9%)

  • Conduct post installation review to determine if proposed benefits were realized
  • Educate the customer on problem resolution procedures
  • Determine the correct IBM process, procedure or resource to resolve customer problems

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