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IBM C2090-420

IBM InfoSphere MDM Server v9.0 Exam

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IBM.C2090-420.v2016-02-06.104q.ote 2016-02-06 104 0/0 98.56 Kb

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About IBM C2090-420 dump

Section 1 - Configure and Deploy InfoSphere MDM Server in a Development Workstation (9%)

  • Given a scenario, describe workstation RAD/RSA development environment setup
  • Demonstrate knowledge of deploying Custom Code
  • Demonstrate knowledge of configuring MDM Server features

Section 2 - MDM Server Architecture and Domain Model (12%)

  • Describe basic MDM Server architecture
  • Describe MDM Server business entities and their relationships

Section 3 - Extensions and Additions (through Workbench) (12%)

  • Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of differences between a data extension and an addition
  • Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of creating code tables
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to create a behavior extension

Section 4 - Composite Transactions (8%)

  • Describe how to create composite transactions using Business Proxy
  • Describe the difference between composite XML transactions and Java business proxy composites

Section 5 - External Rules and Validation (9%)

  • Describe External Business Rules Framework
  • Describe how to create a new external rule
  • Describe external validation and when to use it

Section 6 - Search Strategy (5%)

  • Describe search strategy (high level)
  • Describe different implementations of seach strategy

Section 7 - Suspect Duplicate Processing (14%)

  • Describe party SDP work flow
  • Demonstrate knowledge of implementing customized SDP logic
  • Deomonstrate knowledge of 'evergreening'

Section 8 - Features and Functionality (16%)

  • Describe simple/compound history
  • Describe the MDM Server components
  • Demonstrate knowledge of configurable inquiry levels

Section 9 - Security (6%)

  • Describe MDM Server data visibility and accessibility control
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Authentication versus Authorization

Section 10 - Troubleshooting (9%)

  • Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of configuring and analyzing MDM Server log files
  • Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of Error handling

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